Work Ethics every Fresher should know!

September 26, 2022 0 Comments

When you are a fresher with some knowledge and very little or no experience, the only thing you have that you can brag about is your work ethic. Good work ethics fuels an individual’s needs and goals. Most of the time a new joiner is judged based on their work ethics. However, be it a fresher or an employee, work ethic is something everyone should possess. It’s equally important as dedication and discipline towards work.

In this article, we are going to tell you the 5 most important work ethics a fresher should know.

Here they are:-

Honesty – Always be honest with your work. Sometimes when we are tired, we tend to do our work just for the sake of doing it. If you don’t want to do the assigned work don’t do it. But, when you’re doing it, do it with full honesty by giving all your heart to it. In a workplace when you are honest with your work, the company actually can rely on you for big projects. Honesty not only means saying the truth all the time. It also means staying true to your principles and your job.

“If you want to be trusted, be honest.”

Discipline – If you want to lead a successful life, you need to have a disciplined life. Discipline can only be achieved if you make a habit of it. Habits cannot be made in a day or two. It takes time and consistency. When you are disciplined with your work, people tend to trust you for big projects. Discipline does not come when you are an adult, it’s a habit that you will gain with due course of time.

“Discipline acts as a bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

Communication – “Good communication acts as a bridge between confusion and clarity.” A person with good communication skills always saves everyone from wrong interpretations. Communication is not only about language, but also about the way you are communicating. More than the medium of communicating, it’s important to notice if the message is interpreted correctly. A person with good communication knows how to talk less, say more, and how to answer less, and listen more. An employee with good communication skills saves the company from any blunders that could have been caused due to a lack of communication. This is exactly the reason why HRs are tested based on their communication skills.

Teamwork – Henry Ford says-

“If everyone is moving forward together, success takes care of itself” Working in a team is an indispensable part of an employee’s life. When you are working in a team, there are 2 things which you should take care of-

(i) Respect– You should respect your teammates. Small things like listening to the team members carefully while they are speaking and treating everyone with dignity (no matter if they are junior or senior) show your respect towards your fellow teammates. If there’s anything that your teammate did with which you’re not comfortable, your communication skills come in handy. Just talk it out!

(ii) Organizational skills– Be it your desk or your computer files, your organization leaves an impression on other colleagues. Especially, when you are working in a team and your teammates may have to report to you or take reports from you. Your organizational skills speak a lot about your attitude and your behavior. Being organized makes you productive as well as gives you clarity as to how you can complete your tasks.

Responsible – Dalai Lama says-

“The most important thing is to have a sense of responsibility, commitment, and concern for each of our fellow human beings.”

A responsible employee does not only take full responsibility for the given project but also knows that they are accountable for any mishap. Unfortunately, if anything happens which makes the leader answer the authorities, a true leader takes full responsibility rather than blaming others for the mishap. When one acts responsibly, it signifies that he/she is a true leader. Every company wants leaders and not just employees. One can learn work ethics by following the above practices. These are not just for the sake of creating a “Good worker” image, but it is also to maintain your peace with everyone.

Following these work ethics will help you reach your goals faster. A true leader does not get to the top alone but takes their team along.

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