How many internships are enough?

March 18, 2023 0 Comments

In the present job market, everyone wants to stand out from the crowd. Everyone wants attention and wishes to grab ample opportunities and a perfect job. As soon as summer vacations or winter vacations arrive, what is the first thought that flashes through a student’s mind? Besides comfortable holidays and cozy beds, of course, internships.

Some students will look for internships just for the sake of adding experience. Some want ‘real’ training. But how many internships will fulfill the requirement of your work experience? What is the ‘correct’ number of internships a student must have? Continue reading further to find the answers to all your questions.  

First things first, find the right internship.

These days, job seekers do not know what the right internship is. They will do every sort of internship but will leave the main and quality ones. Don’t confuse yourself. If you are an engineer, choose the engineering internship where you will gain some quality experience. Do not deviate yourself from your engineering field. A mechanical engineer should do internships related to mechanical engineering, like product designing, production, or manufacturing. A computer engineer should do internships related to software and hardware. At the early stage of a career, one must stick to their area of engineering.

 People will get bored of the work, but it’s all a matter of interest after all. One can expand their fields after gaining experience in their engineering background. What’s the point of knowing others’ fields when you don’t have a single idea about your field? It is baseless, isn’t it?

How many internships shall I do?

The most awaited answer for the most asked question – Go with quality and not quantity. Whenever you apply for an internship, you must think about why you are using it for the particular one. If you don’t think about what you are doing, then even 100 internships are useless. But, on the other hand, if you have done five quality internships that match your area of expertise, your engineering background, and the work you have learned has a scope in the future, that’s more than enough.

 Hiring companies look for a dedicated employee that can do a single task meeting the company’s requirement. They do not seek a multi-tasker, would never. So it’s better to develop yourself with good internships.

Shall I start early or late for internships?

It’s never too early, and it’s never too late to start anything. If you think you have plenty of time after the age of 18, you will end up wasting your time. If you feel it’s too late for you to learn something at the age of 30, you will end up wasting an opportunity. Act now! Soon after school, right after college, or straight away after a job, start your internship anytime.

 Your time frame and your schedule are the most important. Be flexible and responsible. Just don’t increase the columns in your resumes. Instead, develop skills, build a proper outline, expand your professional networks, gain professional recommendations and feedback, and most important, identify yourselves.

If you are looking for internships, head straight to @JobRouter, and connect with the corporate world. Reflect your organizational skills along with us!

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